Academy – Kiwanis Europe

Second KI-E Extraordinary General Assembly - 12 October 2024

Welcome to Kleinbettingen, Luxembourg!

Since at the 57th European Convention, the necessary quorum was not reached to vote on the new KI-E articles of association, we are legally obliged – as a Luxembourg A.S.B.L. – to organize a second Extraordinary General Assembly.

Attend this second KI-E Extraordinary General Assembly, 12 October 2024, from 14:00 till 15:00




The official session will focus on the new KI-E bylaws which need to be approved by KI-E’s general assembly.


Voting will be by paper ballot. You will receive your ballot paper when you come to the on-site registration desk.


The event will take place in
Restaurant “de Brailäffel”, 
located in Kleinbettingen, Luxembourg.

Delegates will be certified upon receipt of the registration form for the General Assembly.