Academy – Kiwanis Europe




19:00 - 21:00


By Invitation,

District Treasurer Training Webinar

Goal / idea

  • To ensure that the officers know what is expected of them in their function as treasurer in their district or nation.
  • To develop district/ nation officers’ competencies to run in a qualitative way the leadership within the districts and the nation. (know how to run the districts and specifically the office of treasurer)

Key learnings

  • Getting to know colleague-treasurers from the other districts
  • Understanding duties, roles, responsibilities,…of the treasurer towards the clubs, the district, KIEF, KI,… 
  • Getting familiar with district convention Election Reporting and district Convention General Information Reporting. Kiwanis rules about articles of association and KI bylaws,…
  • Increasing awareness about governmental compliance documents for district in good standing criteria
  • Sharing practices of the office of treasurer

Target audience


District/ Nation treasurers 2024-25

The webinar is held English. Interpreting is foreseen for participants who don’t master English adequately. We urge you to request in advance an interpreter for the language of your choice.


Being in office as district/ nation treasurer.

  • 19h00: start of the webinar
  • 21h00: end of the webinar
  • Language: English

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