Academy – Kiwanis Europe

Weitere Informationen folgen, sobald sie verfügbar sind.
Ihr Trainer wird Jozef-Peter Schachermayr sein. 

Target audience



  • People that facilitate / lead online Zoom meetings
  • People that organise online Zoom meetings
  • Trainers that deliver online sessions

People who understand already the basics from Zoom, and who use a Zoom license (Pro or Business) for hosting online meetings (can be a personal license, or a license of the club that is pooling around)

21/01/21 (English)

No interpreting is foreseen, so participants who don’t master English adequately are requested to foresee a Kiwanian friend who can translate simultaneous for them at their own home place while participating in the meeting.


Also in our planning:

28/01/21 (special version for KI-staff)

04/02/21 (Deutsch)

17/02/21 (Nederlands)

This training is for licensed users of Zoom (Pro or Business). This can be your personal license, or a license you use from your club, division, district,… for your online meetings and trainings.

You need to have installed the most recent update of the Zoom Client

You will need a laptop or desktop for attending the training ànd your mobile phone for using some Apps. 

Target audience

  • People that facilitate / lead online Zoom meetings
  • People that organise online Zoom meetings
  • Trainers that deliver online sessions

People who understand already the basics from Zoom, and who use a Zoom license (Pro or Business) for hosting online meetings (can be a personal license, or a license of the club that is pooling around)



21/01/21 (English)

No interpreting is foreseen, so participants who don’t master English adequately are requested to foresee a Kiwanian friend who can translate simultaneous for them at their own home place while participating in the meeting.


Also in our planning:

28/01/21 (special version for KI-staff)

04/02/21 (Deutsch)

17/02/21 (Nederlands)

This training is for licensed users of Zoom (Pro or Business). This can be your personal license, or a license you use from your club, division, district,… for your online meetings and trainings.

You need to have installed the most recent update of the Zoom Client

You will need a laptop or desktop for attending the training ànd your mobile phone for using some Apps. 

More info

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 04/Feb/2021
  • Time: 14:00 - 15:30




Event Type