Academy – Kiwanis Europe

Language: Nederlands

Talking about rejuvenation

Title of the tool TALKING ABOUT REJUVENATION Short description Do we need an acceptance committee and complicated admission procedures for new members? Explore new possibilities that will make our organization a trend-setting one, so that we can attract… Read More

MeetUp Manual Nederlands

Title Manual #KIWANIS Meetup Nederlands Korte beschrijving Een #Kiwanis MeetUp is een methode / een project om nieuwe clubs te openen en nieuwe aspirant-leden aan te trekken voor Kiwanis. Deze handleiding helpt je om een MeetUp-project succesvol te… Read More

Meet your prospective members

Title of the tool MEET YOUR PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS Short description “Make it easy for each person to join any Kiwanis club .” That is written as one of the main priorities in the strategic plan of Kiwanis International…. Read More

The Brand Book

Title of the tool THE BRAND BOOK Short description The Kiwanis brand reflects our organization’s traditions and its time-tested mission. At the same time, it’s the latest statement of who we are. Language of the tool Aim(s) The… Read More